I got nerves – they’re multiplying!


T-minus 2 days!!


I’m not stressed at all. Nope. Not even a little.

And, if you believe that, I’ve got some ocean-front property in Arizona you might be interested in purchasing. 😉

Got my last taper run done this morning.


Yeah, that was me trying to go slow.  Didn’t work out the way I had planned.  Still, it felt good to stretch out my legs. 🙂

So, apparently, the kitties got wind of my impending departure and are putting their paws down.


Ginny says, “NO!”

I’m pretty sure I have everything I need.

I made a list and checked it twice.


I think I’m ready.

Well, clothing and gear wise.

I’m a little nervous about the race.

The move really put a kink in my training schedule.

I’m trying not to worry about it.

Oh, and I suck at trying to not worry about things.

But, I have a back-up plan.

My plan is to have fun. That sounds like a good plan, doesn’t it? 🙂

Talk to me: Do you make lists? Do you get stressed before a race?

– jennifer

5 thoughts on “I got nerves – they’re multiplying!

  1. I always get race nerves, but I think that’s because I need to race more. Not goal races, but races nonetheless. Each time should get a little easier. and yes, I like to be methodical about my gear so that, in my pre-race anxiety, I don’t forget something. Cheers and happy running!

  2. Lists? I am the Queen of Lists!
    Nerves? I am the Queen of Nerves, too! 🙂
    Good luck, Jen. You got this! Everything is going to be just great!

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