Death by Carla (tee hee) and Crockpot Chicken-n-Taters


Happy Friday! Woot!



So, let’s talk Carla’s birthday WOD this morning.

As you can tell, I am not dead.

This is good. 🙂

But, boy oh boy, did she try to kill us all!


You may be wondering about the whole “28 reps” business.  Well, it’s her 28th birthday! (kinda makes sense now, doesn’t it?)

What doesn’t make sense is why she wanted to do 84 burpee box jump overs on her birthday?

Who does that?!

Well, apparently those of us that are crazy enough to show up even though we know it’s coming!  😉

I’m not going to lie.  It was pretty brutal.

The pull ups were especially hard because, well, there were 28(!) of them and my hands were sweaty.  I had to use the band – there was just no way I was going to be able to kip all those on my own.

The kettlebell sumo-deadlift high pulls were a nice break until my shoulders started to burn.  Yeah, that was a nice feeling.

I’m still cussing her for those stupid pulsing walking lunges.

Don’t know what those are?  Well, do a lunge and before you stand back up, do a little bounce/pulse.  Feels great, doesn’t it? NOT!

I finished in 36:30 – about a minute behind the birthday girl – and was 100% wiped out.

But, another friend brought mini cupcakes to celebrate so the sugar rush picked me right back up! WEE!


The birthday girl! (and Joe just HAD to jump in the picture, too.) 🙂

Now, let’s talk about last night’s dinner in the crockpot.


you know what? it’s really hard to make a cooked red onion look tasty and delicious. don’t judge me.

It was pretty darned tasty, actually.

I only used 3 chicken breasts and had it on low for 10 hours and that may have been a little too long but, it was still yummy for my tummy.

I would definitely recommend a shorter cooking time – say 8 hours on low instead of 10.

The taters were AMAZING!

I only wish I’d had more to add.  I really, really need to get to the grocery store.  I’m totally like Old Mother Hubbard right now.



Anyway, it was good!

Crockpot Chicken-n-Taters

(such a glamorous name, isn’t it?)

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 red onion, sliced
1 tater, cut into chunks
1 sweet tater, cut into chucks
palmful of your favorite seasoning (or combine some) – I used Mrs. Dash’s Spicy Hot
About 1 cup of chicken broth

Put in crockpot. Cook on LOW 8 hours. Eat!

Question: How do you prefer to celebrate your birthday?

– jennifer

2 thoughts on “Death by Carla (tee hee) and Crockpot Chicken-n-Taters

  1. I might try your stovetop chicken taters-they sound amazing! That WOD looks HARD! And that’s alot of pull ups-I’d definitely be struggling with my grip. But good job finishing close to the birthday girl and cupcakes are the best way to refuel.

    Also, for the past 5 years my birthday entails some sort of exercise (race, long hike or WOD) and a delicious dinner with some sort of cheesecake!

    • Mmmmm, cheesecake! 🙂

      Thankfully, my hands aren’t shredded from all those pull ups!

      And I think ALL birthdays should include some form of physical exercise. Helps remind you how awesome it is to be alive! I was supposed to run a marathon on my birthday this year but injury prevented that. But I was healed enough to do a commemorative 2.62 miles around my neighborhood! 🙂

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